SSI Releases 2021 Research Productivity Summary - Cloned

January 18, 2023

SSI Releases 2021 Research Productivity Summary - Cloned

Magnifying class with word research

SSI is honored to have supported and contributed to research in a variety of forms and over many topics. Here is our annual report of research productivity.

SSI Affiliate Research Awards

  • 2021 North American Society for Sport Management Research Fellow Award (Kwame Agyemang)
  • 2021 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Research Fellow Award (Chris Knoester)
  • 2021 MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference Research Paper Award, 3rd place. (Alexander Williams, Ben Clarke, and Seth Brugler)



Allison, Rachel, and Chris Knoester. 2021. "Gender, sexual, and sports fan identities."  Sociology of Sport Journal 38:310-321.


Allison, Rachel and Chris Knoester. 2021. “Are you a sports fan? Your gender and sexuality may have something to do with it.” Engaging Sports, February 24.

Allison, Rachel, Knoester, Chris, and B. David Ridpath. 2021. “Public opinions about paying college athletes and athletes protesting during the national anthem.”  Online first in Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race.

Anderson-Butcher, Dawn, Samantha Bates, Anthony Amorose, Rebecca Wade-Mdivianian, and Leeann Lower-Hoppe. 2021. ”Social-Emotional Learning Interventions in Youth Sport: What Matters in Design?" Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 38:367-379.

Bates, Samantha, Dawn Anderson‐Butcher, Jill Hoffman, Laura Rooney, and Catelen Ramsey. 2021. ”Addressing infant mortality through positive youth development opportunities for adolescent girls." Health & Social Care in the Community 29(5):1260-1274. 

Beattie, Mark A., and Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe. 2021.  ”The Marshall Plan: How Diversity and Inclusion Transformed the Dallas Mavericks’ Organizational Culture." Online first in Sport Management Education Journal. 

Czekanski, W. Andrew, Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe, Patrick Marsh, and Jeffrey Peterson. 2021. ”Partnerships in collegiate sport clubs: a social exchange perspective." Online first in European Sport Management Quarterly. 

Dorsch, Travis E., Jordan A. Blazo, Skye G. Arthur-Banning, Dawn Anderson-Butcher, Neeru Jayanthi, Amand Hardiman, Tom Farrey, Jon Solomon, and Jennifer Brown Lerner. 2021. "National Trends in Youth Sport during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Understanding American Parents' Perceptions and Perspectives." Journal of Sport Behavior 44(3):303-320.

Evans, J. O., Lower-Hoppe, L. M., McCray, K., Brgoch, S. M., Ryder, A., & Burkhard, B. 2021. “Sexual violence prevention among intercollegiate athletes, recreational athletes, and non-athletes: Environmental considerations for program interventions.” Forthcoming in Sport Social Work Journal.

Heffer, Holly, and Chris Knoester. 2021. “The implications of gender, socioeconomic  statuses, and healthy behaviors for teenagers’ subjective health.” Sociological Spectrum 41(6):423-437.

Hindman, Lauren C., Nefertiti A. Walker, and Kwame JA Agyemang. 2021. ”Bounded rationality or bounded morality? The National Basketball Association response to COVID-19." European Sport Management Quarterly 21(3):333-349.

Judge, Lawrence W., Jeffrey Petersen, David M. Bellar, Leeann M. Lower, Makenzie A. Shoeff, Amy S. Blake, Dagny Zupin, and Nick Nordmann. 2021. ”Growing the Youth Olympic Games: Comparing millennial generation sport festival engagement." International Journal of Exercise Science 14(6):578-593.

Knoester, Chris, and Rachel Allison. 2021. “Family cultures of sport and physical activity and the physical activity, sports participation, and subjective health of 15 year olds in the U.S.” Online first in Leisure Studies.

Knoester, Chris, and Rachel Allison. 2021. “Sexuality, sports-related mistreatment, and adults’ sports involvement.” Online first in Leisure Sciences.


Allison, Rachel and Chris Knoester. 2021. “Sports remain hostile territory for LGBTQ Americans.” The Conversation, April 6.

Knoester, Chris, and Evan Davis. 2021. "Patriotism, competition, nationalism, and respect for the military in U.S. sports: Public recognition of American Institutionalized Sports Nationalism." Online first in the International Review for the Sociology of Sport.

Knoester, Chris, and B. David Ridpath. 2021. "Should college athletes be allowed to be paid? A public opinion analysis." Sociology of Sport Journal 38:399-411.


Ridpath, B. David, and Chris Knoester. 2021. “College athletes’ payment rights: A question of when and how, not if.” James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal, July 2.

Knoester, Chris, Ridpath, B. David, and Rachel Allison. 2021. “Should athletes be allowed to protest during the national anthem? An analysis of public opinions among U.S. adults.” Online first in Sociology of Sport Journal.

Knoester, Chris, and Carter Rockhill. 2021. "Multiculturalism and antiracism in Sports? U.S. public opinions about Native American team names and mascots and the use of hijabs in sports." Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 7:1-16.

Lower-Hoppe, L. M., D. Anderson-Butcher, T. J. Newman, and J. Logan. 2021. ”The influence of peers on life skill development and transfer in a sport-based positive youth development program." Journal of Sport for Development 9(2):69-85.

Lower-Hoppe, Leeann M., Shea Brgoch, Yung-Ju Chen, and Sue Sutherland. 2021. ”Inquiry-Based Learning in Action: Theory and Practice in Higher Education." In Jared Keengwe (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Innovations in Non-Traditional Educational Practices (pp. 34-59). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Lower-Hoppe, Leeann M., W. Andrew Czekanski, Patrick J. Marsh, Jeffrey C. Petersen, and Shea M. Brgoch. 2021. ”The collegiate sport club model: Development of a conceptual framework." International Journal of Sport Management 22(3):241-271.

Lower-Hoppe, Leeann M., James O. Evans, Richard L. Bailey, and Shea M. Brgoch. 2021. ”Mock Trial: Transforming Curriculum Through Coopetition." Sport Management Education Journal 15(1):54-56.

Lower-Hoppe, Leeann M., James O. Evans, and Shea M. Brgoch. 2021. ”Examining the social cognitive determinants of collegiate recreational sport involvement and outcomes." Leisure/Loisir 45(2):207-236.

Mamo, Yoseph, Kwame JA Agyemang, and Damon PS Andrew. 2021. “The Role of Culture on Fan Perceptions of CSR Initiatives: A Cross-Cultural Study of NBA Fans across Three Countries." Online first in Journal of Global Sport Management.

Mamo, Yoseph, Kwame JA Agyemang, and Damon PS Andrew. 2021. “Types of CSR Initiatives and Fans' Social Outcomes: The Case of Professional Sport Organizations." Sport Marketing Quarterly 30(2):146-160.

Newman, Tarkington J., and Dawn Anderson-Butcher. 2021. “Mechanisms of Life Skill Development and Life Skill Transfer: Interconnections and Distinctions Among Socially Vulnerable Youth." Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research 12(3):489-519.

Newman, Tarkington J., Dawn Anderson-Butcher, Kendra Bostick, and Sandra Black. 2021. “Psychological processes involved in life skill transfer: Understanding the lived experiences of youth recognized as being socially vulnerable.” Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. 38(4):423-436.

Newman, Tarkington J., Benjamin Jefka, Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe, Carlyn Kimiecik, Shea Brgoch, Rebecca Dillard, Kathryn Dwyer, Carter Rockhill, and Donta Ingram. 2021. ”Youth identity formation:(Mis) alignment between urban male youth and sport coaches." Online first in Children and Youth Services Review.

Newman, Tarkington J., Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe, Mark Burch, and Lauren M. Paluta. 2021. ”Advancing positive youth development-focused coach education: Contextual factors of youth sport and youth sport leader perceptions." Managing Sport and Leisure 26(4):326-340.

Rockhill, Carter A., Jonathan E. Howe, and Kwame JA Agyemang. 2021. ”Statements Versus Reality: How Multiple Stakeholders Perpetuate Racial Inequality in Intercollegiate Athletic Leadership." Online first in International Journal of Sport Communication.

Rockhill, C., Newman, T., Ingram, D., Lower-Hoppe, L., & Brgoch, S. 2021. “Exploring how urban male youth athletes understand and value their own identities.” Forthcoming in Journal of Sport Behavior.

Ryder, Ashley, Leeann Lower-Hoppe, Kristi L. Storti, Richard Hsaio, Brian Turner, Madeline Paternostro Bayles, and Kevin McKee. 2021. ”Specialization Versus Diversification: Impact of Female Youth Sport Experiences." Journal of Sport Behavior 44(1):120-140.

Seifried, Chad, Kwame Agyemang, Nefertiti Walker, and Brian Soebbing. 2021. ”Sport management and business schools: A growing partnership in a changing higher education environment." Online first in The International Journal of Management Education 19(3).

Sutton, Frances S., and Chris Knoester. 2021. "U.S. women’s sport consumption and self-identified fandom: An exploration of social structural and sociocultural antecedents." Online first in International Review for the Sociology of Sport.

Tompsett, James, and Chris Knoester. 2021. “The making of a college athlete: High school experiences, socioeconomic advantages, and the likelihood of playing college sports.” Online first in Sociology of Sport Journal.


Hextrum, Kirsten, Knoester, Chris, and James Tompsett. 2021. “Why some college sports are often out of reach for students from low-income families.” The Conversation, October 4.

Walker, Nefertiti A., Kwame JA Agyemang, Marvin Washington, Lauren C. Hindman, and Jeffrey MacCharles. 2021. ”Getting an Internship in the Sport Industry: The Institutionalization of Privilege." Sport Management Education Journal 15(1):20-33.

Warner, Mariah, and Chris Knoester. 2021. “When kids hitting each other is okay: Examining U.S. adult support for youth tackle football.” Forthcoming in Social Currents.


Anderson-Butcher, D. 2021. “Effects of the pandemic on physical and mental health: How can communities better serve our children?” NCAA Lunch and Learn, Indianapolis, IN (invited).

Anderson-Butcher, D. 2021. “The pandemic didn’t stop us: How social emotional learning (SEL) at LiFEsports continued during Covid-19.” Virtually presented at the Behavioral Alliance of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.  (Invited).

Anderson-Butcher, D., & Hyder, A.  2021. “Lessons learned (still learning) from the pandemic.” Community Engagement session of the Faculty Community of Practice, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

Anderson-Butcher, D., Ramsey, C., Moore, S., & Broermann, T. 2021. “More than camp. More than life. LiFEsports at The Ohio State University.” Presented to School of Human Kinetics, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, CA.

Anderson-Butcher, D., Scheadler, T. R., Atkinson, O., Mack, S., Rozsits, O., Sobecki, C.,  & Bates, S. 2021. “Using the voice of the coach to inform social work practice in youth sport.” Presented at the Social Work in Sports Symposium meetings (virtual presentation).

Atkinson, O., Scheadler, T., & Anderson-Butcher, D. 2021. “Exploring school-based coaches’ backgrounds, philosophies, and behaviors.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (virtual presentation).

Bates, S., & Anderson-Butcher. 2021. Sport-based youth development social skills program components: What matters in design? Poster presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference (virtual presentation).

Bates, S., Kimiecik, C., & Anderson-Butcher. 2021. “A mixed methods examination of sport-based positive youth development for African American adolescent girls.” Poster presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference (virtual presentation).

Beattie, M., & Lower-Hoppe, L. 2021. “Using the case method to teach students the value of an organizational culture of diversity.” Paper presented at the 2021 North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Teaching and Learning Fair (virtual presentation).

Damon, Z., Pickett, A. C., Walker, N. A., Agyemang, K. J. A., Brown, K. M., & Singer, J. N. 2021. “Authenticity in sport organization statements towards Black Lives Matter and social justice.” Presented at the 2021 North American Society for Sport Management Conference (virtual presentation).

Davis, E. A., Brgoch, S. M., Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Lynch, M., Johnston, D., Wray, D., McCray, K., & Parietti, M. L. 2021. “Utilization and impact of career services among collegiate student-athletes.” Paper presented at the Applied Sport Management Association Conference (virtual presentation).

Dorsch, Travis, Jordan Blazo, Skye Arthur-Banning, Dawn Anderson-Butcher, Neeru Jayanthi, and Amand Hardiman. 2021. “National Trends in Youth Sport During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Understanding the Perspectives and Experiences of Parents in the United States." Presented at the 2021 North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Conference (virtual presentation).

Lower-Hoppe, L., Brgoch, S., & Newman, T. 2021. “Developing and managing sport team captains as formal leaders: Perspectives from collegiate coaches.” Paper presented at the 2021 North American Society for Sport Management Conference (virtual presentation).

Lower-Hoppe, L., Lee, W., Brogch, S., Ryder, A., & Lowe, C. 2021. “Making the connection: Antecedents and consequences of athlete burnout among collegiate sport club members.” Paper presented at the 2021 North American Society for Sport Management Conference (virtual presentation).

Lower-Hoppe, L., Pastore, D., Strode, J., McCray, K., & Walton, D. 2021. “Modes of course delivery pre-, mid-, post-COVID-19: Perspectives from administration, faculty, and students in higher education.” Paper presented at the International Society for Exploring Teaching & Learning Annual Conference (virtual presentation).

Mamo, Y., Agyemang, K. J. A., & Andrew, D.P.S. 2021. “Applying sentiment analysis to explore public perceptions of sport organizations' social marketing activities.” Presented at the 2021 Sport Marketing Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV.


Newman, T., Lower-Hoppe, L., Jefka, B., Dwyer, K., Rockhill, C., Ingram, D., Brgoch, S., Kimiecik, C., & Dillard, D. 2021. “Influences of youth identity formation: Areas of (mis)alignment among youth and adults involved in a sport-based positive youth development program.” Poster presented at the Society for Social Work and Research 25th Annual Conference (virtual presentation).

Ridpath, B. David, Chris Knoester, and Rachel Allison. 2021. “Should College Athletes be Allowed to be Paid? A Study of Factors that Influence Public Opinions on Paying College Athlete.” Presented at the 2021 College Sport Research Institute meetings (virtual presentation). 

Ryder, A., Brgoch, S., Lower-Hoppe, L., Lowe, C., Bailey, R., Dahl, S., & Wray, D. 2021. “How do collegiate sport clubs achieve organizational effectiveness?” Paper presented at the Applied Sport Management Association Conference (virtual presentation).

Walker, N. A., Rector, M., & Agyemang, K. J. A. 2021. “Why are there so few Black women head coaches in college basketball? An intersectionality analysis.” Presented at the 2021 North American Society for Sport Management Conference (virtual presentation).

Warner, Mariah, and Chris Knoester. 2021. “When kids hitting each other is okay: Examining U.S. adult support for youth tackle football.” Presented at the 2021 American Sociological Association meetings (virtual presentation).

Funded (2019 Awards) Student Productivity

Knoester, Chris, and Evan Davis. 2021. "Patriotism, competition, nationalism, and respect for the military in U.S. sports: Public recognition of American Institutionalized Sports Nationalism." Online first in the International Review for the Sociology of Sport. doi:10.1177/10126902211048769

Knoester, Chris, and Carter Rockhill. 2021. "Multiculturalism and antiracism in Sports? U.S. public opinions about Native American team names and mascots and the use of hijabs in sports." Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 7:1-16.

Sutton, Frances S., and Chris Knoester. 2021. "U.S. women’s sport consumption and self-identified fandom: An exploration of social structural and sociocultural antecedents." Online first in International Review for the Sociology of Sport. doi:10.1177/10126902211068272

Tompsett, James, and Chris Knoester. 2021. “The making of a college athlete: High school experiences, socioeconomic advantages, and the likelihood of playing college sports.” Online first in Sociology of Sport Journal. doi:10.1123/ssj.2020-0142

Davis, Evan, and Chris Knoester. “U.S. public opinion about the personal development and social capital benefits of sport: An analysis of the Great Sport Myth.” (revise and resubmit at Journal of Sport and Social Issues)

Tompsett, James, and Chris Knoester “Family socioeconomic status and college attendance: A consideration of individual and school-level effects.” (under review at Socius)

Williams, Alexander, Ben Clarke, and Seth Brugler. 2021. “MAYFIELD: Machine

Learning Algorithm for Yearly Forecasting Indicators and Estimation of Long-Run Player Development.” Paper presented at the 2021 MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference.

Additional Evidence of SSI-funded National Sports and Society Survey Take-up

Nothnagle, Emily. 2021. “Sport participation and the development of grit.” Completed Undergraduate Research Thesis. Advisor: Chris Knoester.

*Presented at the 2021 Denman Forum (received 2nd place award)

**Presented at the 2021 SSI Undergraduate Research Fair (received Outstanding Sport for Development award)

Hopkins, Rhatia. 2021. “Formative social experiences and sports achievement.” Completed Undergraduate Research Thesis. Advisor: Chris Knoester.

Sponsored Research Forums

2021   The 2021 SSI student research fair included 13 presentations via Zoom. Eleven presentations were from Ohio State undergraduate students. 

2021   The Ohio State Sports Analytics Conference included a combination of both in-person and online events. There were 320 unique logins from 12 countries on Zoom and several Ohio State students that attended in-person.  15 student groups presented research including 5 in-person presentations from Ohio State undergraduates.  A pre-conference interview with New Orleans Pelican's General Manager David Griffen was held on November 11. The main event opened with Nick Elam's Elam ending presentation in the Mason Hall Rotunda on November 12. The day concluded with an interview of Minnesota Viking's General Manager Rick Spielman. Throughout the day guests from Ohio State Athletics, Cincinnati Reds, Florida Marlins, Florida Panthers, Seattle Kraken, Detroit Pistons, Pittsburgh Penguins, Pro-Football Focus, ESPN, FiveThirtyEight, and several other organizations shared their experiences in sports and analytics. 

SSI Project and Affiliate Funding


Anderson-Butcher, Dawn (PI). “Million Coaches Challenge Partnership Award for LiFE Sports at The Ohio State University.” Susan Crown Exchange. Funding for training 15,000+ coaches.

Arens, Adelyn. "Childhood sports participation and parent-child closeness throughout the life course," OSU Undergraduate Research Scholarship. 2021-2022 ($3,000) Advisor: Chris Knoester.

Brown, Madison. "Determining pathways of health: A study of the role of social factors.” OSU Undergraduate Research Scholarship. 2021-2022 ($4,000) Advisor: Chris Knoester.

Lower-Hoppe, Leeann M. (PI). 2021. Affordable Learning Exchange Faculty Grant. Requested: $5,000. Awarded: $1,539.38. The Ohio State University.

Lower-Hoppe, Leeann M. (PI). 2021. Racial Justice Grant. Awarded: $500. The Ohio State University.

Nothnagle, Emily. “Sport participation and the development of grit.” OSU Academic Enrichment Grant. 2021-2022 ($1,200) Advisor: Chris Knoester.