A key focus of our initiative is to support, fund and promote research conducted at the intersection of sports and society. Here is our 2023 research productivity report:
SSI Affiliate Research Awards
2023 National Academy of Kinesiology Fellow (Brian Turner)
2023 Outstanding Mentor Award, Department of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University (Ginger Yang)
Allison, Rachel, and Chris Knoester. 2023. “Who watches and follows girls’ and women’s sport? A gendered life course analysis of U.S. adults' consumption.” Forthcoming in Journal of Emerging Sport Studies 10:1-35.
Anderson-Butcher, Dawn, Samantha Bates, Rebecca Wade-Mdivanian, and Sydney Mack. 2023. “Positive youth development in community sport settings.” Forthcoming in
N. Holt & M. McDonough (Eds). Positive youth development through sport (3rd ed.). Routledge.
Anderson-Butcher, Dawn, Rebecca Wade-Mdivanian, Anthony J. Amorose, Jerome Davis, and Travis R. Scheadler. 2023. "LiFEsports in the pandemic: COVID-19 didn't stop us!" Journal of Sport Behavior 46(3):1-17.
Atkinson, Obidiah, Samantha Bates, Dawn Anderson-Butcher, Sydney Mack, and Jacqueline Goodway. 2023. “Mapping school-based coach education requirements in the United States.” International Sport Coaching Journal 10(2):276-288.
Bano, Joseph M., Rebecca J. McAdams, Kristin J. Roberts, Jingzhen Yang, and Lara B. McKenzie. 2023. "Lacrosse-related injuries in boys and girls treated in US emergency departments, 2000-2016." Journal of Sport and Health Science 12(3):414-422.
Bates, Samantha, and Dawn Anderson-Butcher. 2023. “Leveraging sport as a context for character development: The benefit for coaches.” Forthcoming in Journal of Character Education.
Bates, Samantha, Dawn Anderson-Butcher, and Anthony J. Amorose. 2023. Coach Beyond Readiness Index. LiFEsports Initiative, Columbus, OH, The Ohio State University.
Bates, Samantha, Dawn Anderson-Butcher, Doug Ute, Dale McVey, Sydney Mack, Emily Nothnagle, Rebecca Wade-Mdivanian, Jerome Davis, Josh DeVoll, Joe Vassaloti, Jason Hix, Kaz Pata, Chris Ludban, Nathan Bobek, Keith Myers, Kevin Porter, Jeff Quackenbush, Joe Roberts, Nick Hajjar, Pat Durbin, Tyler Wolfe, and Nick Magistrale. 2023. "Mental health training for high school coaches and athletic directors: Community-based participatory research to Coach Beyond." Online first in International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching.
Bates, Samantha, and Luke O’Quinn. 2023. "Addressing Access and Equity for LatineYouth through Sport-Based Positive Youth Development." Online first in Children & Schools.
Beatie, Mark A., and Brian A. Turner. 2023. “The impact of athlete-coach fit on the athletic satisfaction of NCAA Division II college athletes.” Forthcoming in Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education.
Brancaleone, Matthew P., Laura C. Boucher, Jingzhen Yang, Daniel Merfeld, and James A. Onate. 2023. "Comparing dynamic visual acuity between athletes who are deaf or hard-of-hearing and athletes who are hearing." Online first in Journal of American College Health.
Brancaleone, Matthew P., Maria K. Talarico, Laura C. Boucher, Jingzhen Yang, Daniel Merfeld, and James A. Onate. 2023. "Hearing status and static postural control of collegiate athletes." Journal of athletic training 58(5):452-457.
Bunstine, Josie L., Jingzhen Yang, Sandhya Kistamgari, Christy L. Collins, and Gary A. Smith. 2023. "Differences in Overuse Injuries in Gender-Comparable Sports: A Nationally Representative Sample of High School Athletes." Forthcoming in Journal of Athletic Training.
Cioletti, Alina, and Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe. 2023. “The clash of sports officials and fans: When free speech borders harassment.” Forthcoming in The Physical Educator.
Czekanski, W. Andrew, Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe, Patrick Marsh, and Jeffrey Peterson. 2023. "Partnerships in collegiate sport clubs: a social exchange perspective." European Sport Management Quarterly 23(4):1004-1023.
Dadoo, Sonali, Sandhya Kistamgari, Lara B. McKenzie, Jingzhen Yang, and Gary A. Smith. 2023. "Pediatric dance-related injuries treated in emergency departments in the United States, 2000-2020." Pediatric Emergency Care 39(9):654-660.
Davis, Evan, and Chris Knoester. 2023. “U.S. public opinion about the personal development and social capital benefits of sport: An analysis of the Great Sport Myth.” Conditionally accepted at Journal of Sport and Social Issues.
Dorsch, Travis, Dawn Anderson-Butcher, Cindy Chang, Alex Diamond, Dan Gould, Neeru Jayanthi, Amanda Visek, and Maureen Weiss. 2023. Quality Parenting Framework. United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee. Colorado Springs, CO.
Hextrum, Kirsten, Chris Knoester, and James Tompsett. 2023. “Inequalities in girls high school sports participation: How social class, race/ethnicity, and gender route opportunities to play and persist in athletics.” Forthcoming in Sociological Focus.
Horne, Edward, Leeann Lower-Hoppe, and B. Christine Green. 2023. "Co-creation in youth sport development: Examining (mis) alignment between coaches and parents." Sport Management Review 26(2):271-292.
Jensen, Jonathan A., James O. Evans, and Brian A. Turner. 2023. "The influence of expectancies on sport consumer behaviour: from BIRGing to COFFing." International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing 23:80-98.
Kapusta, Rebecca J., and Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe. 2023. “Golf course website: A case analysis of ADA Title III website compliance.” Forthcoming in The Physical Educator.
Kerwin Thoma, Benjamin McManus, Cameron Wrabel, Vishaka Kalra, Despina Stavrinos, and Jingzhen Yang. 2023. “Driving performance acutely after mTBI among young drivers.” Online first in Accident Analysis & Prevention.
Knoester, Chris, and Rachel Allison. 2023. “Sexuality, sports-related mistreatment, and adults’ sports involvement.” Leisure Sciences 45:764-786.
Knoester, Chris, Rachel Allison, and Victoria T. Fields. 2023. “Reconstructing, challenging, and negotiating sex/gender in sport: Public opinion about transgender athletes’ rights, rights for athletes with varied sex characteristics, sex testing, and gendersegregation.” Online first in Sociology of Sport Journal.
Knoester, Chris, and Matthew Knoester. 2023. “Social structure, culture, and the allure of Donald Trump in 2016.” New Political Science: A Journal of Politics and Culture 45(1):33-57.
Lower-Hoppe, Leeann M., Thomas J. Aicher, and Bradley J. Baker. 2023. "Intention– behaviour relationship within community running clubs: examining the moderating influence of leisure constraints and facilitators within the environment." World Leisure Journal 65(1):3-27.
Lower-Hoppe, Leeann M., Annemarie Farrell, Alina Cioletti, Ali Talcott, Mackenzie Rector, Shea M. Brgoch, and Robert J. Barcelona. 2023. "Risky business: Reopening recreational sport facilities during COVID-19." Journal of Applied Sport Management 15(3):1-11.
Lower-Hoppe, Leeann M., Ali Talcott, Alina Cioletti, Daniel Springer, W. Andrew Czekanski, and Richard J. Buning. 2023. "What makes collegiate sport club programs successful? Exploration of how success is measured and perceived." Recreational Sports Journal 47(2):148-158.
McCray, Kristy L., James O. Evans, Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe, Shea M. Brgoch, and Ashley Ryder. 2023. "Does athlete status explain sexual violence victimization and perpetration on college campuses? A socio-ecological study." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 38(19-20):11067-11090.
Newman, Tarkington J., Kristy McCray, Leeann M. Lower‐Hoppe, Carter Rockhill, Donta Ingram, Justice Ohanasian, and Sherri Simmons‐Horton. 2023. "Healthy masculinity construction: The influence of race, faith and athletics." Children & Society 37(3):854-874.
Plumage Emily F., Saroj Bista, Robyn Recker, Steven Cuff, Anastasia Fischer, Michael Tiso M, and Jingzhen Yang. 2023. “Changes in physician recommendations for early physical activity following pediatric concussion: A retrospective study.” Online first in Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine.
Recker Robyn, Enas Alshaikh, Archana Kaur, Keith Owen Yeates, and Jingzhen Yang. 2023. “Change in health-related quality of life and functional disability over time post- concussion in youth.” Quality of Life Research 32:3339-3347.
Recker, Robyn, Alie Myers, Nikhil Desai, Jaclyn Caccese, Laura Boucher, James Onate, and Jingzhen Yang. 2023. "Headgear use In girls’ lacrosse-are stakeholders ready for change?" Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 55:133.
Robinson, Emily, Tarkington J. Newman, Travis R. Scheadler, Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe, and Anna Baeth. 2023. "The unique lived experiences of LGBQ athletes: A collegiate women’s rugby club team as an inclusive & empowering community." Online first in Journal of Homosexuality.
Romano, Alicia B., Logan Schuetz, Brent D. Oja, and Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe. 2023. "Skating to legitimacy: Institutional work practices within collegiate club hockey." Online first in Leisure Studies.
Springer, Daniel, Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe, and Marlene A. Dixon. 2023. “Deconstructing the structure of American collegiate sport club programs.” Forthcoming in Managing Sport & Leisure.
Sullivan, Lindsay, Lara B. McKenzie, Kristin Roberts, Robyn Recker, David C. Schwebel, Thomas Pommering, and Jingzhen Yang. 2023. "A virtual reality app intervention to improve concussion recognition and reporting in athletes aged 9 to 12years: Development and pilot testing." JMIR Formative Research 7:e43015.
Sullivan, Lindsay, Menglin Xu, Keith Owen Yeates, Enas Alshaikh, Gerry H. Taylor, Thomas Pommering, and Jingzhen Yang. 2023. "Trajectories of daily postconcussion symptoms in children." Online first in The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation.
Talarico Maria K., Frank Morelli, Jingzhen Yang, Ajit Chaudhari, and James A. Onate. 2023. “Estimating marksmanship performance during walking while maintaining weaponaim.” Applied Ergonomics 113:104096.
Tompsett, James, and Chris Knoester. 2023. “Family socioeconomic status and collegeattendance: A consideration of individual and school-level pathways.” PLOS ONE 18(4):e0284188.
Yang, Jingzhen, Enas Alshaikh, Nichole Asa, Olivia VonDeylen, Nikhil Desai, Hudson Gerry Taylor, Thomas Pommering, James P. MacDonald, Daniel M. Cohen, Keith Owen Yeates, and ReAct Clinical Study Group. 2023. “Exploring the association between cognitive activity and symptom resolution following concussion in adolescents aged 11 to 17 years.” Forthcoming in BJSM.
Yang, Jingzhen, Robyn Recker, and Lindsay Sullivan. 2023. "Concussion in Athletes." In
Routledge Handbook of Mental Health in Elite Sport (pp. 201-225).
Anderson-Butcher, D., Amorose, A., & Bates. S. 2023. “Sport as social support? Associations among participation in sport and adolescent mental health concerns.” Session presentation presented at the 27th Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Anderson-Butcher, D., Pierce, S., Amorose, A., Bates, S., Atkinson, O., Brandon, D., Goodway, J., Mack, S., & Scheadler, T. 2023. “Sport-based positive youth development: Research, practice, and future directions.” Symposium presented at the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA), Toronto, Canada.
Ault-Baker, K., Anderson-Butcher, D., & Bates, S. 2023. “Improving mental strategies for athletic performance.” Conference session presented at The 2023 Ohio Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance State Convention, Sandusky, OH.
Bates, S. 2023. “Addressing behavioral health concerns through sport.” Presented at the OSU African American Behavioral Health Conference, Columbus, OH.
Bates, S., & Anderson-Butcher, D. 2023. “The Coach Beyond Readiness Index.” Poster presented at the 27th Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Bates, S., & Mack, S. 2023. “There is no ‘I’ in stress: An investigation and pilot of an intervention to support coaches experiencing stress.” Paired presentation presented at the 9th annual Alliance of Social Workers in Sport Symposium, New Orleans, LA.
Bates, S., Mack, S., & Anderson-Butcher, D. 2023. “Opportunities for social workers to support school-based coaches: Findings from a state-wide survey.” Poster presented at the 27th Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Bates, S., Mack, S., & Anderson-Butcher, D. 2023. “Supporting Student-Athlete Mental Health” Conference session presented at The 2023 Ohio Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance State Convention, Sandusky, OH.
Bates, S., Nothnagle, E., Mokadam, K. & Mack, S. 2023. “Implementation of a life and leadership intervention to support student-athlete mental health and wellness.” Paired presentation presented at the 9th annual Alliance of Social Workers in Sport Symposium, New Orleans, LA.
Bates, S., O’Quinn, L., Crews, L., & Ramsey, C. 2023. “Empowering the next generation of youth through sport: Models, lessons, and learnings from sport-based PYD programs across the country.” Themed panel moderated and presented at the 9th annual Alliance of Social Workers in Sport Symposium, New Orleans, LA.
Bates, S., & Rozsits, O. 2023. “Strengthening behavioral health interventions in schools and sport: Innovations from Ohio.” Presented at the Mental Health-Education Integration Consortium, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Brgoch, S., Lower-Hoppe, L., Turner, B. A., Quatman-Yates, C., & Sutherland, S. 2023. “Bridging the gap: A scoping review on early sport specialization and diversification recommendations.” North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), Montreal, Canada.
Cioletti, A., Rector, M., Spring, L., & Turner, B. A. 2023. “An exploratory study on the influence of coaching turnover on organizational culture, athlete experience, and team performance.” College Sports Research Institute (CSRI), Columbia, SC.
Hextrum, Kirsten, Knoester, Chris, and James Tompsett. 2023. “Neoliberalism and interscholastic athletics participation: Habitus, parenting, social class, and the institutionalized cultural capital of school sports.” Presented at the 2023 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport meetings, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Karen, David, Murphy, Eve, and Chris Knoester. 2023. “Social origins and contextual determinants of youth sports involvement in the United State.” Presented at the 2023 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport meetings, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Karla V, Bista S, Sherrod G, McManus B, Kerwin T, Wrabel C, Stavrinos, D., & Yang JZ. 2023. “Characteristics of young drivers who failed to complete a simulated driving assessment acutely after traumatic brain injury.” Poster presentation at The 67th Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Kerwin T, McManus B, Wrabel C, Karla V, Stavrinos, D., & Yang JZ. 2023. “Driving performance acutely after mTBI among young drivers.” Oral presentation at The 67th Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN
Mack, S. 2023. "The implementation of socio-emotional learning and positive youth development in sports coaching." Presented to the Sports & Society Initiative Research Working Group at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Mack, S., Banks, Q., Bates, S., & Anderson-Butcher, D. 2023. “Reach and teach: How online webinars can educate and train youth sport coaches” Conference session presented at The 2023 Midwest Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium, Muncie, IN.
Mack, S., Bates, S., & Anderson-Butcher, D. 2023. “Fostering a Positive Team Environment.” Conference session presented at The 2023 Ohio Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance State Convention, Sandusky, OH.
McManus B, Bista S, Sherrod G, Wrabel C, Kerwin T, Yang JZ, , & Stavrinos, D. 2023. “Perceived cognitive load in young drivers acutely post mild traumatic brain injury.” Poster presentation at The 67th Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Nothnagle, E. & Knoester, C. 2023. “Sport participation and violence over the life course.” Paper presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Recker R, Alshaikh E, Kaur A, Yeates KO, & Yang JZ. “Changes in health-related quality of life and functional disability following concussion among youth.” Oral presentation at the Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Recker R, Bista S, Quatman-Yates C, & Yang JZ. 2023. “Feasibility of assessing readiness to return to physical activity post-concussion among youth using the Kasch Pulse Recovery Test.” Poster Presentation at the Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Recker R, Myers A, Desail N, Cassese J, Boucher L, Onate J, & Yang JZ. 2023. “Headgear use in girls’ lacrosse– are stakeholders ready for change?” Poster presentation at the 2023 ACSM Annual Meeting and Would Congresses, Denver, CO.
Rethorn, T., Kronenberg, J., Brgoch, S., Zwolski, C., Lower-Hoppe, L., Worthen- Chaudhari, L., Schmitt, L., Bogner, J., & Quatman-Yates, C. 2023. “Physical activity variability in individuals with chronic brain injury.” Paper presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
Warner, Mariah. 2023. "Forms of mistreatment and experiences of racial segregation in sports." Presented to the Sports & Society Initiative Research Working Group at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Yang JZ. 2023. “Physical and cognitive activity after concussion” Presented as a Buckeye Neurotrauma Lecture, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Yang JZ. 2023. “Sport-related injury epidemiology” Presented to the Sports & Society Initiative Research Working Group at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Yang JZ, & Ding K. 2023. “Screen time, school connectedness and mental health challenges among American high school students.” Poster presentation at the 9th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents, Valencia, Spain.
Data Collection Efforts
Anderson-Butcher, Dawn (PI). 2023. Education-based athletics district 360 assessment tool creation and refinement. *PI work involved contact with 173 student-athlete participants, 27 coaches, 159 parent/caregivers, and ongoing outreach in new districts.
Anderson-Butcher, Dawn (PI), and Samantha Bates (Co-PI). LiFEsports summer program data. *PI and Co-PI work included 866 Camp experience surveys and 93 youth participants assessed for fundamental motor skill development (TGMD-3).
Lower-Hoppe, Leeann (PI). 2023. Campus recreation data collection. *Supported by an NIRSA Research grant, online survey administered to 2480 professional staff working within campus recreation, of which 360 submitted a survey response. This is part of a mixed-methods study, with follow-up interviews to be conducted in 2024 with 14-16 individuals who participated in the online survey.
Research Forum Contributions
The third OSU Sports Analytics Conference took place on March 31 and April 1, 2023. The first day was a virtual event. We began with student presentations. The presentations included students from as far away as Sweden. We followed with an analytics of women’s basketball panel and a panel on college football. Finally, we finished with a talk from Eric Eager (CIO and Partner Sumer Sports) talking football with former Atlanta Falcons GM Thomas Dimitroff. We had over 200 unique logins during the virtual portion of the conference. Both our Women's Basketball and College Football panels maintained over 100 participants for their entire duration. On Saturday, 77 registered attendees picked up their badges. Our keynote speaker was Sarah Bailey (LA Rams). We followed her presentation with student presentations then lunch with more student poster presentations. Next, we had a sports business analytics panel. This was followed up by short talks from alumni Neil Johnson (Houston Rockets) and Greg Strizek (Strategic Analytics).
Finally, we closed the day with an NFL analytics panel.
Our footprint on the sports analytics landscape is growing and we intend to be back for many more years. Over the two days, 17 panelists/speakers shared their expertise and 19 students presented their research projects. The SSI Undergraduate Student Research Fair, our 5th annual, was again integrated with the Sports Analytics Conference. Two sports analytics student presentations were given recognition for being especially outstanding and three more general sports and society projects were also recognized as such.
In 2023, the Sports and Society Initiative Research Working Group came together for six formal sessions that included presentations, collaborative discussions, research news and updates, and fellowship. About twelve persons attended each session. Now in its 2nd year, the SSI Research Working Group was designed by the SSI Research Committee to offer new encouragement and opportunities
for research active scholars, and others who are interested in sports and society research, to come together to share their projects, ideas, requests for collaboration, and support for one another. The goal has been to enhance our sports and society research productivity, collaborations, connections, and impact. The activities, and group itself, have been primarily targeted for the benefit of OSU sports and society research-active folks (i.e., faculty, grad students, perhaps high achieving undergrads doing research theses) and designed to enable brainstorming/sharing/supporting/collaborating. But, more generally, the group has been created for folks who are interested in learning about, doing, and collaborating on sports and society research.
Other SSI-supported research forums included the start of a new series that focuses on bringing in external speakers to speak to topics that are of public interest, research-based, and meaningful to undergraduate students and the general public. In addition, a variety of research forum events were offered and promoted to undergraduate students, specifically. For the “Economics of Sports Gambling” event with Brad Humphreys, 60 students joined SSI for Brad Humphrey’s discussion on his research into sports gambling. Dr. Humphreys is a chaired professor of economics at West Virginia University. Nov. 8’s “Getting Started on Sports Research” event was a collaboration with Thompson Library. We worked together to adapt their getting started on research program to be sports specific. We also had two student presentations from our Spring Sports Analytics Conference and SSI research fair give their presentations. Over 40 students participated in the event. On January 20, 2023 members of the Sports Analytics Association, our SSI analytics intern, and SSI Assistant Director Ryan Ruddy put together a research-focused Friday Fun event for the Columbus Metro Library after school program at their Northside branch. Ohio State students presented on the use of statistics in sports and we played an interactive and innovative new game. SSI also created an online Sports and Society Student Research Hub to help nurture students that are interested in sports research. Finally, a variety of research-focused outings and opportunities were offered. A Columbus Clippers tour of Huntington Park occurred on September 13, 2023 and April 11, 2023. Spencer Harrison, director of group ticket sales, gave a tour of the stadium and talked about pricing, marketing, and other business operations. About 20-30 students attended each semester. The Cleveland Cavaliers Sports Analytics conference took place on November 30, 2023 and March 6, 2023. These events included 3 hours of panels with professionals working in business analytics for the Cavs and other NBA teams. It was followed by a networking event and a basketball game. The March conference included over 50 students. We were able to partially subsidize a bus to the game and conference. The November event required students to drive themselves and had about 15 attendees. The Columbus Blue Jackets Sports Management Night happened on November 15, 2023. SSI Assistant Director Ryan Ruddy coordinated a group purchase of 32 students for this year’s event. The event included a tour of Nationwide Arena and a 1 hour presentation and Q&A with people who work for the Blue Jackets. The Columbus Blue Jackets ticketing analytics talk and stadium tour took place on February 22, 2023 and included a tour of the arena with a group sales representative and a 45 minute Q&A with two members of the business intelligence team. There were 25 students in attendance.
Anderson-Butcher, Dawn (PI). 2023. Get kids moving: LiFEsports. The Life Time Foundation($16,693).
Anderson-Butcher, Dawn (PI). 2023. LiFEsports at The Ohio State University. The Belron Ronnie Lubner Charitable Foundation (Safelite) ($7,500).
Anderson-Butcher, Dawn (PI). 2023. LiFEsports at The Ohio State University. The Life Time Foundation ($16,693).
Anderson-Butcher, Dawn (PI). 2023. LiFEsports: Developing leadership and life skills through sport. Dicks Foundation ($25,000).
Anderson-Butcher, Dawn (PI), and Samantha Bates (Co-PI). 2023. Granville Exempted Village Schools’ athletic department: Student athlete mental health. Granville Exempted Village Schools ($51,720).
Ault-Baker, K. J., & Anderson-Butcher, D. (2023). LiFEsports and Coach Beyond research expansion and evaluation. Office of Postdoctoral Affairs W. K. Kellogg Foundation Postdoctoral Recruitment Onboarding Supplement (OK-PROs), The Ohio State University ($5,000).
Bates, Samantha (PI). 2023. Strengthening coaching training and student-athlete development through a life and leadership series. New Albany High School ($10,000).
Cuff S, Taylor H &Yang JZ (mPI). Driving after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Qualitative Study. Intramural Funding Program Nationwide Children’s Hospital. 02/01/23 – 01/31/25 ($10,000).
Joyce, Echo. “Nonbinary and Non-heterosexual Experiences in Sport over the Life Course.” OSU Undergraduate Research Scholarship. 2023-2024 ($3,000) Advisor: Chris Knoester.
Knoester, Chris. “The National Sports and Society Survey Wave II Survey Instrumentation and Pilot Study.” OSU Sociology Department Seed Grant. 2023-2024 ($29,147).
Knoester, Chris (PI), and Anderson-Butcher, Dawn, Bates, Samantha, Lower-Hoppe, Leeann, and Brian Turner. 2023. “Analyzing Changes in Sports in Society and Adults’ Lives Since Pre-pandemic Times: Initial Piloting for the National Sports and Society Survey, Wave II.” OSU President’s Research Excellence Accelerator award for 1/1/24- 12/31/24 ($50,000).
Kumar, Rohini. “Sport-Related Injuries over the Life Course: Risk factors and trends.” OSU Undergraduate Research Scholarship 2023-2024 ($2,650) Advisor: Chris Knoester.
Lower-Hoppe, L. M. (PI), Oia, B. D., & Altendorf, M. 2023. Generating positive workplace outcomes through well-being: Examining collegiate recreation employees. NIRSA Research Grant. 2023-2024 ($9,519).
Strzalka, John. “Youth Sports Participation and Occupational Success in Adulthood.” OSU Undergraduate Research Scholarship. 2023 ($5,000) Advisor: Chris Knoester.
Warner, Mariah. 2023. 2023-24 Sports and Society Initiative Graduate Student Research Grant. Sports and Society Initiative. Funded: $500.
Yang JZ (PI/Mentor). Sleep quantity and quality during the first week post-concussion and symptom duration in youth. Chronic Brain Injury: Discovery Theme Initiative, The Ohio State University. 05/01/23 – 08/31/23 ($4,000).
Yang, JZ (Co-I and Site PI), Caccese J & Saygin Z (mPI). Understanding the neurodevelopmental effects of youth tackle football participation. NIH/NICHD R01HD102439. 09/01/23-08/31/28 ($274,884).
Yang JZ (Contact PI) & Hoskinson K (mPI). Predicting mental health sequelae following mild traumatic brain injury in youth. ASPIRES Pilot Grant Program Nationwide Children’s Hospital. 8/01/2023-7/31/2025 ($50,000).
Applied (not funded):
Knoester, Chris. “2018-19 National Sports and Society Survey.” National Institute of Child Health and Human Development R03 Archiving Grant. 2023-25 ($150,000)
Media and Public Scholarship
Anderson-Butcher, D. (2023). Banquets: Hosting a Successful End-of-Season Event. https://youtu.be/EA4yCJpsoRk?si=teIBQ0AxTwQsIcoA
Anderson-Butcher, D., Virtue, R., & Leyritz, J. 2023. Life skill development in youth sport. Workshop presented in the Coach Beyond… Webinar Series, Columbus, Ohio. https://youtu.be/AmOElSHc1aw?si=xyRBL1dRjW7k_UOh
Ault-Baker, K., Ute, D., Mack, S., & Bobek, N. 2023. Fostering a Positive Team and Competition Environment. Workshop session presented at The Ohio High School Athletic Association Conference: Addressing Key Issues in High School Sports, Westerville, Ohio.
Bates, S. & Ault-Baker, K. J. 2023. Coach beyond: Updates & mental strategies for performance. Presented to the Central Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association Conference. Westerville, OH.
Bates, S., Banks, Q., Dieffenbach, K., & Manjares, V. 2023. Perfecting practice. Workshop presented in the Coach Beyond… Webinar Series, Columbus, Ohio. https://youtu.be/kdfJqtuvYtI
Bates, S., Banks, Q., & McGuff, K. 2023. Gearing Up for Gameday. Workshop presented in the Coach Beyond… Webinar Series, Columbus, Ohio. https://youtu.be/qkNND55ru5g?si=oYoyBFQW_ZohF0g_
Bates, S., Banks, Q., McIntosh, A., & O’Quinn, L. 2023. Fostering a Positive Team Environment. Workshop presented in the Coach Beyond… Webinar Series, Columbus, Ohio. https://youtu.be/GPPPFiBV8R0?si=FhWOXmk9CSYdWhSn
Bates, S., Banks, Q., Stamper, R., King, C, & Semaia, P. 2023. Promoting positive behavior and engagement in sport. Workshop presented in the Coach Beyond… Webinar Series, Columbus, Ohio. https://youtu.be/_WTvBpn4bkI
Bates, S., Banks, Q., Vrabel, M., & Fickell, L. 2023. Managing stress & pressure as coaches. Workshop presented in the Coach Beyond… Webinar Series, Columbus, Ohio. https://youtu.be/lmjIoDo8830?si=s8HMhP9dttDz8iLe
Bates, S., Hoover, S., Ackerman, J., & Dixon, T. 2023. Coaching through Crisis. Workshop presented in the Coach Beyond… Webinar Series, Columbus, Ohio. https://youtu.be/_Kh8GzNCmwE?si=ZZ-DOSmnqG-1vxFO
De Vise, Daniel. 2023. “Damar Hamlin injury revives safety debate over a sport built on butting heads.” The Hill, January 7. Interviewee: Mariah Warner. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3803182-damar-hamlin-injury-revives-safety- debate-over-a-sport-built-on-butting-heads/
*Research on tackle football by Mariah Warner and Chris Knoester was also integrated into a similar column in Vox.
DeVoll, J., Porter, K., Bates, S., & Ault-Baker, K. J. 2023. Coach Beyond in Ohio. Presented to the Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association Conference. Columbus, OH.
Dolan, Eric W. 2023. “Majority of U.S. adults recently supported transgender athletes’ right to choose which gender they compete with.” Psypost, April 25. Interviewee: Chris Knoester. https://www.psypost.org/2023/04/majority-of-u-s-adults-support-transgender- athletes-right-to-choose-which-gender-they-compete-with-77888
*Featured in Athlete Ally’s Pride Research Roundup: 2023, thus being recognized as one of the best pieces on the state of the LGBTQI+ movement in sports.
Dolan, Eric W. 2023. “Study provides insight into how culture war issues contributed to Trump’s rise to power.” Psypost, March 20. Interviewee: Chris Knoester. https://www.psypost.org/2023/03/study-provides-insight-into-how-culture-war-issues- contributed-to-trumps-rise-to-power-70296
*Picked up and republished by multiple other outlets, such as MSN.
**Offers a summary and related analyses based on the most read article from New Political Science in 2023 and already a most read article of all time in the journal.
Fisher, Ann. 2023. ”Football fans question safety of sport following Damar Hamlin’s collapse.” All Sides with Ann Fisher, January 4. Interviewees: Mariah Warner and Chris Knoester. https://news.wosu.org/show/all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2023-01-04/football- fans-question-safety-of-sport-following-damar-hamilns-collapse
Grabmeier, Jeff. 2023. “No need to load up on extracurricular activities, study finds: 1 sport, 1 other activity provides college attendance boost.” Ohio State News, April 24. Interviewees: James Tompsett and Chris Knoester. https://news.osu.edu/no-need-to-load- up-on-extracurricular-activities-study-finds/
Grabmeier, Jeff. 2023. “Women’s and girls’ sports: More popular than you may think.” Ohio State News. Interviewees: Rachel Allison and Chris Knoester. Forthcoming in early 2024.
Ibanez, Jackie. 2023. “Tackling tension: Half of Americans oppose kids in football amid rising injury concerns.” Fox News, November 13. Interviewee: Chris Knoester. https://www.kjnbtv.com/health/tackling-tension-half-of-americans-oppose-kids-in- football-amid-rising-injury-concerns/article_638cb91f-6082-57b7-9031-9b316c61e2c5.html
*Article and video excerpt picked up on the wire and distributed widely
Jilani, Zaid. 2023. “How many extracurriculars are too many for college?” NewsNation, March 1. Interviewees: James Tompsett and Chris Knoester. https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/education/extracurriculars-for-college/
*Original research referenced in Forbes in November and related research referenced by The New York Times in July.
Jones, Mason. 2023. “Sports, nationalism, and the military: What Americans see and don’t see.” The Society Pages, April 19. Summary of American institutionalized sports nationalism research by Chris Knoester and Evan Davis. https://thesocietypages.org/discoveries/2023/04/19/sports-nationalism-and-the-military- what-americans-see-and-dont-see/
Knoester, Chris. 2023. “Sex discrimination in sports and society: Why transgender athletes matter.” The Society Pages, September 7. https://thesocietypages.org/specials/sex-discrimination-in-sports-and-society-why- transgender-athletes-matter/
Mack, S. 2023. Reach and teach: Reflections of the practical implications of online webinars for coaches. Association of Applied Sport Psychology Newsletter.
Mandy, Erica. 2023. “Special edition: Should kids play tackle football?” The Newsworthy, February 18. Interviewee: Mariah Warner. https://www.thenewsworthy.com/shownotes/021823
Staley, David. 2023. “Knoester discusses impact of sports in daily life.” Voices of Excellence, September 7. Interviewee: Chris Knoester. https://podcast.osu.edu/voices-of- excellence/2023/09/07/knoester-discusses-research-on-impact-of-sports-in-daily-life/
The View. 2023. “NFL’s Hamlin remains in critical condition.” ABC’s The View, January 4. Host Joy Behar discussed football research by Mariah Warner and Chris Knoester. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKLgEKjb11g
*Comments by Behar were noted, discussed, and challenged in The Daily Caller, Fox News, Outkick, The New York Post, The Daily Mail, and elsewhere
Vinopal, Lauren. 2023. “Colleges can see right through all those extracurricular activities we think they like so much.” Cracked, May 2. Interviewees: James Tompsett and Chris Knoester. https://www.cracked.com/article_37852_colleges-can-see-right-through-all- those-extracurricular-activities-we-think-they-like-so-much.html
Wade-Mdivanian, B. 2023. Tryouts: The good, the bad & the ugly. https://youtu.be/EpiLj_mm7cA?si=89kPTQ_dSKnE55Zs
Warner, Mariah, and Chris Knoester. 2023. “Nation thinks tackles make boys tough. Why experts say Hamlin’s injuries won’t change that.” The Columbus Dispatch, January
6. https://www.dispatch.com/story/opinion/columns/2023/01/06/what-impact-will- damar-hamlin-injuries-have-on-youth-football-cinncinnati-bengals-buffalo- bills/69781520007/
*Article republished on Yahoo
Work Supported by SSI Funding
Allison, Rachel, and Chris Knoester. 2023. “Who watches and follows girls’ and women’s sport? A gendered life course analysis of U.S. adults' consumption.” Forthcoming in Journal of Emerging Sport Studies 10:1-35.
*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences
Davis, Evan, and Chris Knoester. 2023. “U.S. public opinion about the personal development and social capital benefits of sport: An analysis of the Great Sport Myth.” Conditionally accepted at Journal of Sport and Social Issues.
*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences
**Project supported by 2019 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award
Hextrum, Kirsten, Knoester, Chris, and James Tompsett. 2023. “Inequalities in girls high school sports participation: How social class, race/ethnicity, and gender route opportunities to play and persist in athletics.” Forthcoming in Sociological Focus.
**Project supported by 2019 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award
Knoester, Chris, and Rachel Allison. 2023. “Sexuality, sports-related mistreatment, and adults’ sports involvement.” Leisure Sciences 45:764-786.
*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences
Knoester, Chris, Allison, Rachel, and Victoria T. Fields. 2023. “Reconstructing, challenging, and negotiating sex/gender in sport: Public opinion about transgender athletes’ rights, rights for athletes with varied sex characteristics, sex testing, and gender segregation.” Online first in Sociology of Sport Journal doi:10.1123/ssj.2022-0121
*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences
Tompsett, James, and Chris Knoester. 2023. “Family socioeconomic status and college attendance: A consideration of individual and school-level pathways.” PLOS ONE 18(4):e0284188.
**Project supported by 2019 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award
Under Review:
Upenieks, Laura, Ryan, Brendan, and Chris Knoester. “Why They Quit: Youth Sport Participation, Reasons for Dropout, and Mental Health in Adulthood.” (revise and resubmit at Sociology of Sport Journal)
*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences
Warner, Mariah, and Chris Knoester. " Does Sport Bring Different Racial/Ethnic Groups Together? Examining US adults’ beliefs and the impact of youth and adult sport experiences.” (revise and resubmit at Sociology of Sport Journal)
*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences
**Project supported by 2022 and 2023 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant awards
Hextrum, Kirsten, Knoester, Chris, and James Tompsett. “The Privilege to Play: Race, Gender, & SES Advantages in Boys’ High School Athletic Opportunities.”
*Project supported by 2019 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award
Hextrum, Kirsten, Knoester, Chris, and James Tompsett. “Who Plays, Persists, and Stands out in Interscholastic Athletics? Habitus, Parenting, Social Class and Perceptions of Athletic Merit."
*Project supported by 2019 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award
Knoester, Chris, and Chris Bjork. “U.S. Youth Sports Participation: Analyzing the Implications of Generation, Gender, Race/ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status, and Family and Community Sport Cultures."
*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences
Hextrum, Kirsten, Knoester, Chris, and James Tompsett. 2023. “Neoliberalism and interscholastic athletics participation: Habitus, parenting, social class, and the institutionalized cultural capital of school sports.” Presented at the 2023 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport meetings, New Orleans, Louisiana.
*Project supported by 2019 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award
Karen, David, Murphy, Eve, and Chris Knoester. 2023. “Social origins and contextual determinants of youth sports involvement in the United State.” Presented at the 2023 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport meetings, New Orleans, Louisiana.
*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences
Mack, S. 2023. "The implementation of socio-emotional learning and positive youth development in sports coaching." Presented to the Sports & Society Initiative Research Working Group at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
*Project supported by 2022 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award
Nothnagle, Emily, and Chris Knoester. 2023. “Sport participation and violence over the life course.” Presented at the 2023 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport meetings, New Orleans, Louisiana.
*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences
Strzalka, John. 2023. "Sports Participation Over the Life Course and Adults' Alcohol Use." Presented at the 2023 SSI Undergraduate Research Fair
*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences
**Received Outstanding Health, Sports, and Society Research award
Warner, Mariah. 2023. "Forms of mistreatment and experiences of racial segregation in sports." Presented to the Sports & Society Initiative Research Working Group at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences
**Project supported by 2022 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award
Data Collection Efforts:
Mack, Sydney. 2023. Transcription and interviews for the implementation of asports- based positive youth development program project.
*Project supported by 2022 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award
Research Forums:
The third OSU Sports Analytics Conference took place on March 31 and April 1, 2023. The first day was a virtual event. We began with student presentations. The presentations included students from as far away as Sweden. We followed with an analytics of women’s basketball panel and a panel on college football. Finally, we finished with a talk from Eric Eager (CIO and Partner Sumer Sports) talking football with former Atlanta Falcons GM Thomas Dimitroff. We had over 200 unique logins during the virtual portion of the conference. Both our Women's Basketball and College Football panels maintained over 100 participants for their entire duration. On Saturday, 77 registered attendees picked up their badges. Our keynote speaker was Sarah Bailey (LA Rams). We followed her presentation with student presentations then lunch with more student poster presentations. Next, we had a sports business analytics panel. This was followed up by short talks from alumni Neil Johnson (Houston Rockets) and Greg Strizek (Strategic Analytics).
Finally, we closed the day with an NFL analytics panel.
Our footprint on the sports analytics landscape is growing and we intend to be back for many more years. Over the two days, 17 panelists/speakers shared their expertise and 19 students presented their research projects. The SSI Undergraduate Student Research Fair, our 5th annual, was again integrated with the Sports Analytics Conference. Two sports analytics student presentations were given recognition for being especially outstanding and three more general sports and society projects were also recognized as such.