2022 Sports and Society Initiative Research Productivity Summary

May 25, 2023

2022 Sports and Society Initiative Research Productivity Summary

Magnifying class with word research

SSI Affiliate Research Awards

2022    Fellow for the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare (Dawn Anderson-Butcher)

2022    Sport Management Education Journal’s 2021 Best Paper Award (Kwame Agyemang)


Allison, Rachel, Chris Knoester, and B. David Ridpath. 2022. “Public opinions about paying college athletes and athletes protesting during the national anthem: A focus on race/ethnicity and political identities.”  Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race 19(1):61-83.

Atkinson, Obidiah, Samantha Bates, Dawn Anderson-Butcher, Sydney Mack, and Jacqueline Goodway. 2022. “Mapping school-based coach education requirements in the United States.” Online first in International Sport Coaching Journal.

Bates, Samantha, and Stacy Kratz. 2022. “Integration, creation, and growth: A path forward for sport social work education.” Journal of Sport Social Work 1:115-135.

Beattie, Mark A., and Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe. 2022. “The Marshall plan: How diversity and inclusion transformed the Dallas Mavericks’ organizational culture.” Sport Management Education Journal 16(1):75-85. 

Beattie, Mark A., and Brian A. Turner. 2022. “The impact of athlete-coach fit on the athletic satisfaction of NCAA Division II college athletes.” Online first in Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education.

Brgoch, Shea M., Chrysostomos Giannoulakis, Leeann. M. Lower-Hoppe, James Johnson, and Dorice Hankemeier, D. 2022. “Impact of early sport specialization on interscholastic athletes and programs. Journal of Amateur Sport 8(1):1-27.

Cioletti, Alina, and Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe. 2022. “The clash of sports officials and fans: When free speech borders harassment.” Forthcoming in The Physical Educator.

Davis, Evan. A., Shea Brgoch, Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe, Makena Lynch, Duncan A., Johnston, Daniel Wray, Kristy McCray, and Megan Parietti. 2022. “Utilization and impact of career services among collegiate student-athletes.” Journal of Athlete Development and Experience, 4(3):230-247. 

Evans, James, Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe, Kristy McCray, Shea Brgoch, Ashley Ryder, and Brian Burkhard. 2022. “Sexual violence prevention among intercollegiate athletes, recreational athletes, and non-athletes: Environmental considerations for program interventions.” Sport Social Work Journal 1(1):136-162. 

Horne, Edward, Leeann Lower-Hoppe, and B. Christine Green. 2022. “Co-creation in youth sport development: Examining (mis)alignment between coaches and parents.” Online first in Sport Management Review

Jensen, Johnathan. A., James O. Evans, and Brian A. Turner. 2022. “The influence of expectations on sport consumer behavior: From BIRGing to CORFing.” Forthcoming in International Journal of Sport Management & Marketing.

Kapusta, Rebecca, and Leaan M. Lower-Hoppe. 2022. “Golf course website: A case analysis of ADA Title III website compliance.” Forthcoming in The Physical Educator. 

Knoester, Chris, and Rachel Allison. 2022. “U.S. family cultures of sport and physical activity and 15 year olds’ physical activity, sports participation, and subjective health.”  

Leisure Studies 41(4):517-530.

Knoester, Chris, and Evan Davis. 2022. "Patriotism, competition, nationalism, and respect for the military in U.S. sports: Public recognition of American Institutionalized Sports Nationalism." International Review for the Sociology of Sport 57(7):1021-1043.

Knoester, Chris, and Matthew Knoester. 2022. “Social structure, culture, and the allure of Donald Trump in 2016.” Conditionally accepted at New Political Science: A Journal of Politics and Culture.

Knoester, Chris, B. David Ridpath, and Rachel Allison. 2022. “Should athletes be allowed to protest during the national anthem? An analysis of public opinions among U.S. adults.” Sociology of Sport Journal 39(1):23-34.

Lower-Hoppe, Leeann M., Thomas J. Aicher, and Bradley J. Baker. 2022. “Intention-behavior relationship within community running clubs: Examining the moderating influence of leisure constraints and facilitators within the environment.” Online first in World Leisure Journal. doi:10.1080/16078055.2022.2125572 

Lower-Hoppe, Leeann M., Laura S. Dahl, Shea M. Brgoch, and Stephen Dahl. 2022. “Too much of a good thing? Exploring diminishing returns in collegiate recreational sports.” Journal of Sport Behavior 45(3):41-60. 

Lower-Hoppe, Leeann M., Annemarie Farrell, Robert J. Barcelona, Shea M. Brgoch, Chad Lowe, and Domonique Dunn. 2022. “Reopening collegiate recreation during COVID-19: A case study of plans and policies.” Recreational Sports Journal 46(1):16-30. 

Lower-Hoppe, Leeann M., Amy C. H. Kim, Shea M. Brgoch, Christin M. Zwolski, Laura Schmitt, Matthew K. Paponetti, and Catherine C. Quatman-Yates. 2022. “Investigating the social network structure of physical literacy scholars to advance a paradigm for physical activity promotion.” Frontiers in Sports and Active Living 4:1-13. 

Lower-Hoppe, Leeann M., Wonju Lee, Shea M. Brgoch, Ashley Ryder, and Chad Lowe. 2022. “Making the connection: Examining the antecedents and consequences of athlete burnout among collegiate sport club athletes.” Journal of Sport Behavior 45(4):108-131. 

Lynch, Makena R., Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe, Shea M. Brgoch, James O. Evans, Richard L. Bailey, Mark Beattie, Moetiz Samad, and Ashley Ryder. 2022. “Implementation and evaluation of mock trial within undergraduate sport law curriculum.” Sport Management Education Journal 16(2):130-141. 

Mamo, Yoseph, Christos Anagnostopoulos, Kwame J. A. Agyemang, and Damon Andrew. 2022. “A conceptual model for understanding the relationships between sport stakeholder and authentic CSR.” Online first in Managing Leisure

Newman, Tarkington J., Kristy McCray, Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe, Carter Rockhill, Donta Ingram, Justice Ohanasian, and Sherri Simmons-Horton. 2022. “Healthy masculinity construction: The influence of race, faith, and athletics.” Online first in Children & Society

Nothnagle, Emily A., and Chris Knoester. 2022. “Sport participation and the development of grit.” Online first in Leisure Sciences

Pierce, Scott, Travis R. Scheadler, Dawn Anderson-Butcher, Anthony Amorose, and Rebecca Wade-Mdivanian. 2022. “Social skill transfer from a sport-based positive youth development program to the school setting.” Sport Social Work Journal 1:78-95.

Reynolds, Jerry F., Samantha Bates, and Matt Moore. 2022. “Youth sport spectating among parents during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Journal of Amateur Sport 8(1):72-100.

Robinson, Emily, Tarkington J. Newman, Travis R. Scheadler, Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe, and Anna Baeth. 2022. “The unique lived experiences of LBGQ athletes: A collegiate women’s rugby club team as an inclusive and empowering community.” Online first in Journal of Homosexuality

Rockhill, Carter, Tarkington Newman, Donta Ingram, Leeann Lower-Hoppe, and Shea Brgoch. 2022. “Exploring how urban male youth athletes understand and value their own identities.” Journal of Sport Behavior 45(2):185-202. 

Singer, John N., Kwame J. A. Agyemang, Chen Chen, Nefertiti A. Walker, and E. Nicole Melton. 2022. “What is Blackness to sport management? Manifestations of anti-Blackness in the field.” Journal of Sport Management, 36(3), 215-227.

Sutton, Frances S., and Chris Knoester. 2022. "U.S. women’s sport consumption and self-identified fandom: An exploration of social structural and sociocultural antecedents." International Review for the Sociology of Sport 57(8):1321-1349.

Tompsett, James. 2022. “Concerted Cultivation and Athletic Development: Family Dynamics in Sports Participation.” Forthcoming in Emergent Sociological Issues in Family and Sport. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Tompsett, James, and Chris Knoester. 2022. “The making of a college athlete: High school experiences, socioeconomic advantages, and the likelihood of playing college sports.” Sociology of Sport Journal 39(2):129-140.

Warner, Mariah, and Chris Knoester. 2022. “When kids hitting each other is okay: Examining U.S. adult support for youth tackle football.” Social Currents 9(2):286-307.


Agyemang, Kwame J.A. 2022. “Submitting to a journal.” Virtually presented to the Sport & Society Initiative Research Working Group at the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

Anderson-Butcher, D., Amorose, A., & Bates, S. 2022. “Social and emotional skills learned through sport: An overview of the LiFEsports Initiative.” Conference session presented at the 16th Annual European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC), Padova, Italy.

Anderson-Butcher, D., & Friedman, J. 2022. “Supporting student-athlete mental health. Workshop presented at the Teays Valley High School Coach Meeting, Ashville, Ohio.

Anderson-Butcher, D., & Mack, S. 2022. “Supporting student-athlete mental health.” Workshop presented at the Worthington Kilbourne Athletic Department Staff meeting, Worthington, Ohio.

Anderson-Butcher, D., & McVey, D. 2022. “Supporting student-athlete mental health. Workshop presented at the Ohio School Board Association Capital Conference and Trade Show, Columbus, Ohio.

Anderson-Butcher, D., Tressel, J., Hall, R., & Smith, G. 2022. “Fostering a positive team environment.” Workshop presented in the Coach Beyond… Webinar Series, Columbus, Ohio.

Anderson-Butcher, D., & Ute, D. 2022. “Coach beyond…” Workshop presented at the Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association State Conference, Columbus, Ohio.

Atkinson, O., Anderson-Butcher, D., Bates, S., & Mack, S. 2022. “Mapping school-based coach education requirements in the United States.” Virtually presented to the Sport & Society Initiative Research Working Group at the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

Atkinson, O., Mack, S., & Bates, S. 2022. “An overview of coach education in the United States.” Research presentation at The Ohio State University Sport & Society Initiative Research Forum.

Bates, S. 2022. “Developing leaders. Workshop presented at the Hilliard Darby Life and Leadership through Sport Series session, Hilliard, Ohio.

Bates, S. 2022. “Developing leaders.” Workshop presented at the Hilliard Davidson Life and Leadership through Sport Series session, Hilliard, Ohio.

Bates, S. 2022. “Development and Assessment of a Social Work and Social Justice through Sport course.” Poster presented at the 26th Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Bates, S. 2022. “Improving mental strategies for athletic performance.” Workshop presented at the Hilliard Darby Life and Leadership through Sport Series session, Hilliard, Ohio.

Bates, S. 2022. “Supporting student-athlete mental health.” Workshop presented at the Hilliard Bradley Life and Leadership through Sport Series session, Hilliard, Ohio.

Bates, S. 2022. “Supporting student-athlete mental health. Workshop presented at the Hilliard Darby Life and Leadership through Sport Series session, Hilliard, Ohio.

Bates, S. 2022. “Supporting student-athlete mental health.” Workshop presented at the Hilliard Davidson Life and Leadership through Sport Series session, Hilliard, Ohio.

Bates, S. 2022. “Supporting student-athlete mental health. Workshop presented at the Newark City Schools Coach Beyond… Training, Newark, Ohio.

Bates, S. 2022. “Supporting student-athlete mental health. Workshop presented at the Ohio High School Wrestling Coaches Association Annual Clinic, Columbus, Ohio.

Bates, S. 2022. “Supporting student-athlete mental health and managing stress and pressure as coaches. Workshop presented at the Central Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association Fall Meeting, Columbus, Ohio.

Bates, S., Anderson-Butcher, D., & Amorose, A. 2022. “Strengthening coaching training to support the whole athlete: Findings from a state-wide survey of youth sport coaches.” Conference session presented at the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA), Waikoloa Village, Hawaii.

Bates, S., & Banks, Q. 2022. “Supporting student-athlete mental health.” Workshop presented in the Coach Beyond… Webinar Series, Columbus, Ohio.

Bates, S., Banks, Q., Anderson-Butcher, D., Gould, D., & Mirco, J. 2022. “Mental strategies for improving athletic performance. Workshop presented in the Coach Beyond… Webinar Series, Columbus, Ohio.

Bates, S., Banks, Q., Smith, K., & Fowles, S. 2022. “Leadership development through sport. Workshop presented in the Coach Beyond… Webinar Series, Columbus, Ohio.

Bates, S., Mack, S., & Nothnagle, E. 2022. ““Meet me where I am": Elevating the student-athlete perspective on coach behaviors.” Paper presented at the 8th Annual National Social Work in Sports Symposium, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Bates, S., Mack, S., & Wade-Mdivanian, R. 2022. “The intersection of coaching education and social work practice: Conclusions from a state-wide survey of youth sport coaches. Conference session at the 8th Annual National Social Work in Sports Symposium, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Bates, S. & O’Quinn, L. 2022. “Community youth development in partnership with professional sports teams: A tool for prevention.” Poster presented at the 26th Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Bates, S., Rozsits, O., & Britt, N. 2022. “Supporting school-based mental health through sport: The importance of coaches.” Conference session presented at the Mental Health-Education Integration Consortium National Conference, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Brgoch, S. M., Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Farrell, A., Barcelona, R., Dunn, D., & Lowe, C. 2022. “Reopening collegiate recreation during COVID-19: A case study of plans and policies.” Paper presented at the Applied Sport Management Association Conference, Indianapolis, IN. 

Cioletti, A., Bulington, C., Lower-Hoppe, L., & Ryder, A. 2022. “The influence of demographics and social support factors on college sport participants’ mental health.” Poster accepted for presentation at The Ohio State University EHE Research Forum, Columbus, OH.

Cioletti, A., & Lower-Hoppe, L. 2022. “Reopening collegiate recreation facilities during COVID-19.” Paper accepted for presentation at The Ohio State University EHE Research Forum, Columbus, OH. 

Davis, E., & Lower-Hoppe, L. 2022. “Redefining the norm: Adolescent athlete identity development during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Paper presented at the Applied Sport Management Association Conference, Indianapolis, IN. 

Davis, E. A., & Lower-Hoppe, L. M. 2022. Sport is a competition”: The effects of a performance narrative on adolescent athlete identity development.” Paper presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (rescheduled) 2021 Conference, Montreal, Quebec, CA. 

Evans, C., Atkinson, O., & Wade-Mdivanian, R. 2022. “Physical education professional development. Workshop presented at the Worthington Schools, Gahanna Schools, and Westerville Schools Professional Development meeting, Worthington, Ohio.

Knoester, Chris. 2022. "Patterns of Sports-related Attitudes and Involvement and Why They Matter: Evidence from the National Sports and Society Survey." Invited presentation for the Ohio State University Department of Sociology Alumni Advisory Board, Columbus, OH.

Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Brgoch, S. M., McCray, K. L., Evans, J. O., & Ryder, A. 2022. “Sexual violence prevention among intercollegiate athletes, recreational athletes, and non-athletes: Environmental considerations for program interventions.” Paper presented at the Applied Sport Management Association Conference, Indianapolis, IN. 

Mack, S. 2022. “Increasing coaches’ competencies through gamified learning.” Conference session at the 8th Annual National Social Work in Sports Symposium, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Mack, S. 2022. “Preparation of Ohio Youth Sport Coaches to Address Youths’ Social-

Emotional Needs” [Poster Presentation]. Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum, annual forum.

Mack, S., & Wade-Mdivanian, R. 2022. “Fostering a positive team environment.” Workshop presented at the Lancaster City Schools Professional Development Day, Lancaster, Ohio.

McCray, K. L., Evans, J., Ryder, A., Brgoch, S., & Lower-Hoppe, L. M. 2022. “Is college sport an at-risk community? Examining student- and school-level predictors of sexual violence victimization and perpetration among intercollegiate, recreational, and non-athlete populations.” Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management 2022 Conference, Atlanta, GA

Nothnagle, Emily, and Chris Knoester. 2022. “Sport participation and the development of grit.” Presented at the (rescheduled) 2021 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport meetings, Montreal, QC, CA.

Rockhill, Carter, and Chris Knoester. 2022. “Exploring involvement in sport and its effect on perceived differences between White and Nonwhite athletes: An analysis of Public Opinions from the National Sports and Society Survey.” Presented at the (rescheduled) 2021 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport meetings, Montreal, QC, CA.

Schuetz, L., Romano, A., Oja, B., & Lower-Hoppe, L. 2022. “Institutional work practices within a club sport team: Implications of professionalization.” Paper presented at the European Association for Sport Management Conference, Innsbruck, Austria.

Singer, J. N., Chen, C., Walker, N. A., Melton, E. N., & Agyemang, K. J. A. 2022. “What is blackness to sport management? Reckoning with anti-Black racism in the field.” Presented at North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

Tompsett, James. 2022. “Collegiate Sports, Inequality, and Educational Mobility." Presented to the Sport & Society Initiative Research Working Group at the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

Tompsett, James, and Chris Knoester. 2022. “Who receives college athletic scholarships?” Presented at the (rescheduled) 2021 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport meetings, Montreal, QC, CA.

Turner, Brian. A. 2022. “COVID-19’s effects on sport marketing.” Presented at the 2022 International Organization for Health, Sports, and Kinesiology (IOHSK) Conference (virtual presentation).

Wade-Mdivanian, R., & Mack, S. 2022. “Supporting student-athlete mental health. Workshop presented at the Lancaster City Schools Professional Development Day, Lancaster, Ohio.

Warner, Mariah, and Chris Knoester. 2022. “Racial Segregation in Youth Sport: A Comparative Framework Including Neighborhoods and Schools.” Presented at the (rescheduled) 2021 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport meetings, Montreal, QC, CA

Data Collection Efforts

Anderson-Butcher, D. & Bates, S. 2022. National Coach Survey final report. The Ohio State University LiFEsports Initiative, Columbus, OH. [Featured in the 2022 State of Play Report published by the Aspen Institute’s Project Play Initiative].

Atkinson, O., Anderson-Butcher, D., & Bates, S. 2022. “Policy mapping of school-based coach training requirements in the United States.” The Ohio State University LiFEsports Initiative, Columbus, OH.

Bates, S. & O’Quinn, L. 2022. Los Angeles Youth Leadership Program annual program evaluation. The Community and Youth Collaborative Institute, Columbus, OH.

Bates, S. & Anderson-Butcher, D. 2022. State-wide survey of Ohio youth sport coaches. The Ohio State University LiFEsports Initiative, Columbus, OH.

Bates, S., Anderson-Butcher, D., Atkinson, O., & Mack, S. 2022. Audit of Ohio coach training and licensure requirements. Columbus, OH: LiFEsports, OSU.

Knoester, Chris, and Allison Dang. 2022. Defining Sports and Esports: A Short Survey of Public Opinions [Dataset]. The Center for Human Resource Research at The Ohio State University [Distributor]. In preparation for public release. *PI work involved 1.5 years of study design, survey instrument creation and testing, and monitoring of data collection.

Research Forum Contributions

2022    Agyemang, Kwame J. A. Editor-in-Chief, Sport, Business, and Management.

2022    In 2022, in its inaugural year, the Sports and Society Initiative Research Working Group came together for six formal sessions that included presentations, collaborative discussions, research news and updates, and fellowship. About twelve persons attended each session. The SSI Research Working Group was designed by the SSI Research Committee to offer new encouragement and opportunities for research active scholars, and others who are interested in sports and society research, to come together to share their projects, ideas, requests for collaboration, and support for one another. The goal has been to enhance our sports and society research productivity, collaborations, connections, and impact. The activities, and group itself, have been primarily targeted for the benefit of OSU sports and society research-active folks (i.e., faculty, grad students, perhaps high achieving undergrads doing research theses) and designed to enable brainstorming/sharing/supporting/collaborating. But, more generally, the group has been created for folks who are interested in learning about, doing, and collaborating on sports and society research.

2022    The fourth annual SSI Undergraduate Research Fair took place in-person and via

Zoom on April 14 with eight high-quality presentations from undergraduate students representing seven different schools—the most schools ever represented at the fair. Represented institutions included Bowling Green State University, Linnaeus University, Miami University, Muhlenberg College, The Ohio State University, University of Toronto and York University. More than 30 people attended virtually or in-person.



Anderson-Butcher, Dawn, and Samantha Bates. 2022. National Coach Study. The Aspen Institute’s Project Play Initiative, Susan Crown Exchange, & Nike ($50,000).

Arens, Adelyn. "Childhood sports participation and parent-child closeness throughout the life course," OSU Undergraduate Research Scholarship. 2021-2022 ($3,000) Advisor: Chris Knoester.

Bates, Samantha. 2022. A pilot of a sport-based summer learning program. Office of Outreach and Engagement ($20,000).

Brown, Madison. "Determining pathways of health: A study of the role of social factors.” OSU Undergraduate Research Scholarship. 2021-2022 ($4,000) Advisor: Chris Knoester.

Mack, Sydney. 2022. 2022-23 Sports and Society Initiative Student Research Grant. Sports and Society Initiative. Funded: $750. 

Nothnagle, Emily. 2022. 2022 Off the Beaten Track Field School Scholarship. Expeditions, Research in Applied Anthropology vzw, Funded: €1,497.80

Nothnagle, Emily. “Sport participation and the development of grit.” OSU

Academic Enrichment Grant. 2021-2022 ($1,200) Advisor: Chris Knoester.

Quatman-Yates, C. Bogner, J., & Lower-Hoppe, L. (CoPI’s). Schmitt, L. & Worthen-Chaudhari, L. (CoIs). 2020 - Present. Pilot study for empowering survivors of TBI to be physically literate and active for all years OSU Chronic Brain Injury Program: Pilot Award ($25,000). 

Strzalka, John. "Youth sports participation and occupational success in adulthood.” OSU Undergraduate Research Scholarship. 2021-2022 ($3,000) Advisor: Chris Knoester.

Strzalka, John. 2022. "Sports involvement and adults’ substance use.” OSU Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program. ($6,000) Advisor: Chris Knoester

Warner, Mariah. 2022. 2022-23 Sports and Society Initiative Student Research Grant. Sports and Society Initiative. Funded: $750. 

Applied (not funded):

Knoester, Chris. “2018-19 National Sports and Society Survey.” National Institute of Child Health and Human Development R03 Archiving Grant. 2023-25 ($150,000).


Knoester, Chris. “The National Sports and Society Survey Wave II Survey Instrumentation and Pilot Study.” OSU Department of Sociology Seed Grant. 2023-24 ($35,000).


Knoester, Chris (PI), and Elizabeth C. Cooksey, Dawn Anderson-Butcher, Brian Turner, Leean Lower-Hoppe, and Nicole Kraft. “The National Sports and Society Survey Wave II Pilot Study.” OSU Institute for Population Research Seed Grant. 2022-23 ($80,000).

 -Not Funded 

Springer, D. (PI). (CoIs): Lower-Hoppe, L. & Hoffman, A. Exploring factors associated with the first-year transition of collegiate recreational sport participants.  NIRSA Foundation Collegiate Recreation Research Grant. 2022 ($9,849). 

-Not Funded

Media Engagement and Public Scholarship

Agyemang, Kwame J. A. 2022. Interviewed by Denver7 – ABC Affiliate. F1 World Champion Sir Lewis Hamilton Added to Broncos Ownership Group. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SX6_eDBCEao

Agyemang, Kwame J. A. 2022. Interviewed on the Africa Sports Monthly Podcast. Analyzing the 2021(22) AFCON, the Africa Super League and the Biennial FIFA World Cup. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/966-the-africa-sports-r-29999214/episode/analyzing-the-202122afcon-the-africa-super-92923919/

Bates, Samantha. 2022. STRIDE Roundtable Podcast: Supporting Student-Athlete Mental Health podcast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JGCAFBQ3Yc&feature=share

Grabmeier, Jeff. 2022. “Americans love football, but differ on whether kids should play:

About 50% now think the sport is inappropriate for youth.” Ohio State News, March 30. Interviewees: Mariah Warner and Chris Knoester. https://news.osu.edu/americans-love-football-but-differ-on-whether-kids-should-play/

*study findings also picked up by dozens of news outlets including being written up, and distributed widely, in US News and World Report, UPI, and WebMD and across the dozens of Nextar media outlet digital platforms

**also, a resurgence of attention occurred with the start of the NFL season, with critiques of football summarizing findings in The New York Times , on ABC’s “The View”, and

across dozens of Sinclair television affiliate digital platforms

Grabmeier, Jeff. 2022. “Sports help kids develop important trait linked to adult success: Study finds sport participation leads to higher levels of ‘grit’.” Ohio State News, July 27. Interviewees: Emily Nothnagle and Chris Knoester. https://news.osu.edu/sports-help-kids-develop-important-trait-linked-to-adult-success/  

*study findings also picked up by over 50 news outlets including being written up, and distributed widely, in US News & World Report, MSN, and a large newspaper syndicate

**in addition, written up in The Hill and republished on Yahoo.

Grabmeier, Jeff. 2022. “Women who love sports don’t necessarily attend more games: Study finds most American women are ‘moderate’ fans.” Ohio State News, January 3. Interviewees: Frances Sutton and Chris Knoester. https://news.osu.edu/women-who-love-sports-dont-necessarily-attend-more-games/

Knoester, Chris. 2022. “Sports offer opportunities to bring people together, but initiatives to change team names, traditions still often resisted.” The Plain Dealer and on Cleveland.com, May 22. https://www.cleveland.com/opinion/2022/05/sports-offer-opportunities-to-bring-people-together-but-initiatives-to-change-team-names-traditions-still-often-resisted-chris-knoester.html

Muhammad, Mariyam. 2022. “Excluded: Islamophobia prevents some students from finding community in sports culture. The Lantern, February 23. Interviewee: Chris Knoester. https://www.thelantern.com/projects/project/excluded-islamophobia-prevents-some-students-from-finding-community-in-sports-culture/

Sutton, Frances, and Chris Knoester. 2022. Interviewed and featured in an NBC4 Columbus television segment and online news article about fandom in the lead up to the OSU-UM football rivalry game. https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/ohio-state-university/how-the-rivalry-can-lead-to-a-stronger-community/

Warner, Mariah, and Chris Knoester. 2022. Interviewed and featured on NewsNation “Morning in America” cable television show https://www.newsnationnow.com/video/study-fewer-kids-playing-tackle-football-morning-in-america/7579395/

Warner, Mariah, and Chris Knoester. 2022. Interviewed and featured on WWJ Newsradio out of Detroit, MI in an audio clip played throughout a full day and in an accompanying online article https://www.audacy.com/wwjnewsradio/news/local/adults-divided-on-whether-kids-should-play-tackle-football

Work Supported by SSI Funding


Knoester, Chris, and Evan Davis. 2022. "Patriotism, competition, nationalism, and respect for the military in U.S. sports: Public recognition of American Institutionalized Sports Nationalism." International Review for the Sociology of Sport 57(7):1021-1043.

*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences

**Project supported by 2019 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award

Knoester, Chris, B. David Ridpath, and Rachel Allison. 2022. “Should athletes be allowed to protest during the national anthem? An analysis of public opinions among U.S. adults.” Sociology of Sport Journal 39(1):23-34.

*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences

Lower-Hoppe, Leeann M., Wonju Lee, Shea M. Brgoch, Ashley Ryder, and Chad Lowe. 2022. “Making the connection: Examining the antecedents and consequences of athlete burnout among collegiate sport club athletes.” Journal of Sport Behavior 45(4):108-131. 

**Project supported by 2018 SSI Research Grant award

Nothnagle, Emily A., and Chris Knoester. 2022. “Sport participation and the development of grit.” Online first in Leisure Sciences doi:10.1080/01490400.2022.2090037

*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences

Sutton, Frances S., and Chris Knoester. 2022. "U.S. women’s sport consumption and self-identified fandom: An exploration of social structural and sociocultural antecedents." International Review for the Sociology of Sport 57(8):1321-1349.

*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences

**Project supported by 2019 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award

Tompsett, James, and Chris Knoester. 2022. “The making of a college athlete: High school experiences, socioeconomic advantages, and the likelihood of playing college sports.” Sociology of Sport Journal. 39(2):129-140.

**Project supported by 2019 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award

Warner, Mariah, and Chris Knoester. 2022. “When kids hitting each other is okay: Examining U.S. adult support for youth tackle football.” Social Currents 9(2):286-307.

*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences

Under Review:

Davis, Evan, and Chris Knoester. 2022. “U.S. public opinion about the personal development and social capital benefits of sport: An analysis of the Great Sport Myth.” (revise and resubmit at Journal of Sport and Social Issues)

*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences

**Project supported by 2019 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award

Hextrum, Kirsten, Knoester, Chris, and James Tompsett. 2022. “Inequalities in girls high school sports participation: How social class, race/ethnicity, and gender route opportunities to play and persist in athletics.” (under review at Sociological Focus)

**Project supported by 2019 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant awar

Hextrum, Kirsten, Knoester, Chris, and James Tompsett. 2022. “Who Plays, Persists, and Stands out in Interscholastic Athletics? Habitus, Parenting, Social Class and Perceptions of Athletic Merit." (under review at Social Currents)

**Project supported by 2019 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award

Knoester, Chris, Allison, Rachel, and Victoria T. Fields. “Re)constructing, Challenging, and Negotiating Sex/Gender in Sport: Public Opinions about Transgender Athletes’ Rights, Rights for Athletes with Varied Sex Characteristics, Sex Testing, and Gender Segregation.” (revise and resubmit at Sociology of Sport Journal)

*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences

Tompsett, James, and Chris Knoester. 2022. “Family Socioeconomic Status and College Attendance: A Consideration of Individual and School-Level Pathways.” (under review at PLOS ONE)

**Project supported by 2019 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award


Knoester, Chris. 2022. "Patterns of Sports-related Attitudes and Involvement and Why They Matter: Evidence from the National Sports and Society Survey." Invited presentation for the Ohio State University Department of Sociology Alumni Advisory Board, Columbus, OH.

*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences

Nothnagle, Emily, and Chris Knoester. 2022. “Sport participation and the development of grit.” Presented at the (rescheduled) 2021 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport meetings, Montreal, QC, CA.

*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences

Rockhill, Carter, and Chris Knoester. 2022. “Exploring involvement in sport and its effect on perceived differences between White and Nonwhite athletes: An analysis of Public Opinions from the National Sports and Society Survey.” Presented at the (rescheduled) 2021 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport meetings, Montreal, QC, CA.

*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences

**Project supported by 2019 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award

Sutton, Frances S. 2022. “Creating Connections and Navigating Authenticity: Arab American Muslim Women, Belonging, and Sports Fan Communities.” Presented at the 2022 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport meetings, Las Vegas, NV.

**Project supported by 2018 SSI Research Grant award

Tompsett, James. 2022. “Collegiate Sports, Inequality, and Educational Mobility." Presented to the Sport & Society Initiative Research Working Group at the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

**Project supported by 2019 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award

Tompsett, James, and Chris Knoester. 2022. “Who receives college athletic scholarships?” Presented at the (rescheduled) 2021 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport meetings, Montreal, QC, CA.

**Project supported by 2019 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award

Warner, Mariah. 2022. “A Cultural and Structural Approach to Understanding Personal Perceptions and General Beliefs about the Capacity of Sport for Racial Social Integration.” Presented for the Ohio State University Department of Sociology Working Group for the Sociology of Power, Inequality, and Economy (SocPIE). Columbus, Ohio.

*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences

**Project supported by 2022 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award

Warner, Mariah, and Chris Knoester. 2022. “Racial Segregation in Youth Sport: A Comparative Framework Including Neighborhoods and Schools.” Presented at the (rescheduled) 2021 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport meetings, Montreal, QC, CA.

*Data collection funded by SSI, thanks to the College of Arts and Sciences

**Project supported by 2022 SSI Graduate Student Research Grant award

Additional NSASS Take-up:

Arens, Adelyn Arens. 2022. “Childhood sports participation and parent-child closeness through the life course.” Completed Undergraduate Research Thesis. Advisor: Chris Knoester.

*Presented at the 2022 SSI Undergraduate Research Fair (received Outstanding Quantitative Research award)

Brown, Madison. 2022. “Determining pathways of health: A study of the role of social

factors.” Completed Undergraduate Research Thesis. Advisor: Chris Knoester.

*Presented at the 2022 Denman Forum.

Research Forums:

2022    The fourth annual SSI Undergraduate Research Fair took place in-person and via Zoom on April 14 with eight high-quality presentations from undergraduate students representing seven different schools—the most schools ever represented at the fair. Represented institutions included Bowling Green State University, Linnaeus University, Miami University, Muhlenberg College, The Ohio State University, University of Toronto and York University. More than 30 people attended virtually or in-person.