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SSI to host third student research fair

January 17, 2022

SSI to host third student research fair

Magnifying class with word research

The Sports and Society Initiative at the Ohio State University is hosting its third student research fair on April 14 as part of the first-ever CreativeCon at Ohio State

We are seeking student researchers to present their work related to the intersection of sports and society. Presenters may either present live via Zoom, in-person on campus (university policy permitting), or submit a video presentation. Live Zoom and in-person presentations will receive preference if time is constrained.

The presentation is limited to 7 minutes, with 3 minutes of Q&A after each presentation. Judging will be based on the societal impact of the research, academic rigor, and quality of presentation. Students that are present for the Q&A session will have an advantage in the judging.

Abstracts can be submitted to go.osu.edu/ssiresearch. Please contact Dr. Ryan Ruddy with questions.