March 4, 2021
SSI offers this sampling of articles and videos to help better illuminate the Intersectionality of Change".
- Opinion: As America burns amid protests after George Floyd's death, it's time to quit telling athletes to 'stick to sports'
- Jackie Robinson breaks color barrier
- NBA speaks out against police brutality
- Big Ten launches "Together as One"
- Billie Jean King on gender pay equality
- Caitlyn Jenner on transitioning
- Megan Rapinoe soccer pay mediation for equal pay
- John Carlos and Tommie Smith black power salute
- Serena Williams speaks about equality and change
- Serena Williams speaks out about police brutality
- Colin Kapernick takes a knee
- Eric Reid speaks on equality
Lebron, Chris Paul, Dwayne Wade, Carmelo Anthony on Black Lives Matter at the Espys:
Megan Rapinoe “We have to be better” speech
Colin Kaepernick Takes a Knee
Lebron James wears “I can’t breathe shirt”
Muhammad Ali disagrees with the Vietnam Draft