March 23, 2018
248 Townshend Hall (1885 Neil Ave., Columbus, Ohio)
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2018-03-23 09:00:00
2018-03-23 10:00:00
Research Roundtable with Michael Messner
The Sports and Society Initiative will join the Department of Sociology in welcoming Michael Messner as its featured guest for a Research Roundtable. The event will feature an overview of his influential gender and sports research, along with extensive question and answer opportunities. Messner is a prominent sports sociologist and professor of sociology and gender studies at the University of Southern California. His award-winning work has largely focused on how gender is structured, taught, and realized in families, youth sports, and mass-media sports coverage. In these analyses, he has creatively used life-history narrative, participant observation, and content analysis techniques. Register to secure your seat!
248 Townshend Hall (1885 Neil Ave., Columbus, Ohio)
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2018-03-23 10:00:00
2018-03-23 11:00:00
Research Roundtable with Michael Messner
The Sports and Society Initiative will join the Department of Sociology in welcoming Michael Messner as its featured guest for a Research Roundtable. The event will feature an overview of his influential gender and sports research, along with extensive question and answer opportunities. Messner is a prominent sports sociologist and professor of sociology and gender studies at the University of Southern California. His award-winning work has largely focused on how gender is structured, taught, and realized in families, youth sports, and mass-media sports coverage. In these analyses, he has creatively used life-history narrative, participant observation, and content analysis techniques. Register to secure your seat!
248 Townshend Hall (1885 Neil Ave., Columbus, Ohio)
The Sports and Society Initiative will join the Department of Sociology in welcoming Michael Messner as its featured guest for a Research Roundtable. The event will feature an overview of his influential gender and sports research, along with extensive question and answer opportunities.
Messner is a prominent sports sociologist and professor of sociology and gender studies at the University of Southern California. His award-winning work has largely focused on how gender is structured, taught, and realized in families, youth sports, and mass-media sports coverage. In these analyses, he has creatively used life-history narrative, participant observation, and content analysis techniques.